The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71505   Message #2415997
Posted By: Bee
17-Aug-08 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: Is it usual for 2 heterosexual guys to bathe
Subject: RE: Is it usual for 2 heterosexual guys to bathe
I know a very good professional musician who, after a certain number of beers, is prone to tearing off his clothes, dashing outside, and running around whatever house he's visiting a few times before returning and putting the clothes back on. It's been raining a few times when he's done this - does that count as bathing?

Come to think of it, I once met a Harvard professor who did the same thing, except he also paused to chase some goats - innocently, I assure you - no goat was molested or harmed during the episode, just rendered rather nervous for a bit.