The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113501   Message #2416053
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
17-Aug-08 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Contraception = Abortion
Subject: RE: BS: Contraception = Abortion
It seems clear that since the majority of Hispanic women are raised from birth as Catholic, the majority of them might believe that birth control is a sin before God. After all, their God says so This is not a racist remark in particular; the predominance of Catholicism in Hispanic populations is a demographic fact.

Amos, statistically the majority of Hispanic residents in the U.S., where this conversation is based, are not still Roman Catholic. Many of them never were, or have changed over to the Protestant religions than have remained Catholic. FWIW. Check the census information for this (I heard it recently on an NPR story). An example, in our family my ex was raised Methodist (but lapsed ages ago); his mother and brother and sister-in-law are Jehovah's Witnesses. My Hispanic daughter doesn't practice a religion.

And if there is any racism involved in this procedure, it is on the part of those people who are hopelessly addicted to some ancient super superstition (or pretend to be hopelessly addicted to some ancient superstition) so that they think it is perfectly fine for them to go forth and pro-create, all the while contributing to the further over population of the planet. While those people who are more responsible and try to limit their numbers find themselves being systematically crowded out.

Riginslinger, is this actually your opinion or are you attributing it to a collective "they" who hand down such hackneyed racists anti-Catholic dogma?

Social Darwinism is alive and well, and this abortion/Catholic discussion is a small part of it. Look at the border fences being built by the U.S. You don't see one going up along the Canadian border, do you? Social Darwinism is the reason for that, and even more appalling, the fence is going up at the cost of more than social issues. Michael Chertoff can ignore any big or small federal regulations he wants to get the fence built. Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act, plus I think they said there are something like 33 separate big federal laws he has ignored and a host of smaller ones. I think I heard this most recently on NOW on PBS. I poked around the radio pages and finally realized I'd actually seen part of the story. It was either here or on Bill Moyer's Journal.