The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113575   Message #2416497
Posted By: InOBU
17-Aug-08 - 10:28 PM
Thread Name: Irish Travellers in London on Lyric FM -Saturdays
Subject: RE: Irish Travellers in London
Having checked out the expressions of hatred in the comments at the above link, all I can say is there is no typical Pavee, just as there is no typical Lovari, Matchuwaya, Kalderasha, Churia, Tatare, Kale, Yenishe, Sinti, Domari, Romanichal, Gitano... what we all have in common is the ashes and dust of our dead from Aushwitz to King James' genocide, to the Traveller kid beaten to death less than ten years ago in England by a crowd, or the women and children murdered in Eastern Europe, the women sterilized against their will in this decade in Slovinia... all this said, I would say there is not a typical Gyzho (non Romany person) I would not lay all this at each of your feet, you choose to take this on one soul at a time.
