The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113541   Message #2416906
Posted By: Jayto
18-Aug-08 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: Worst gig ever.
Subject: RE: Worst gig ever.
The Everly Brothers had a homecoming concert (actually a couple)I played all of them but one sticks out as the worst. The person (I will not put his name on here outta respect deserved or not) I was working for wanted us all to meet up and ride his bus. I only lived about 20 miles from the concert site but we had to ride the bus in. He laid it down like a golden rule YOU HAD TO RIDE THE BUS ugh. So I showed up gathered my gear on the bus and boarded. The steel guitarist was pretty happy his son and wife wanted to ride with us and the anonymous singer said it was fine. We arrived at the concert site and got out to see allt he other musicians and performers. It was alot fun as usual. The Everly Homecoming was always a fun event. By working it so many times I had got to know about everybody involved so it was good seeing everybody. Well the singer I was with was standing up front by the gates to the front signing autographs. I heard a person in the crowd yell my name and I turned around. I didn't recognize the person but smiled and said Hi waved and began to walk away. The singer yelled like he was my Dad or something at me. The started griping at me that if a fan of his wants to meet me I should come over and talk to them. Right then I knew it was gonna be a long day. I returned to the bus to cool off (from anger and the 100+ degree temp). Buddy Emmons (a steel guitar playing madman) was on the bus hangin out so I eit down and vented my frustrations about the singer yeeling at me. We laughed it off and hung out until time for me to go onstage. I got onstage and at least 30,000 people were in attendance that day. I hit the first note and boom my monitors blew. Not just my monitor every monitor on that end of the stage blew. I could not hear a thing. We had a horn section, 2 drummers, steel guitar, fiddle, everything you can think of and no monitors. The show was pure chaos but the best was yet to come. Later after the gig I walked around backstage to the bus. The only problem was the bus wasn't there. There was just a pile of gear not just mine but the entire bands gear. I found out later that the guy had to get his bus back to Nashville so the singer and his best friend/backup singer gutted all of our gear and put it in a pile and just left. The entire band plus the steel guitarist wife and 7 yr old son were stranded at the concert site with our gear. That one still makes my blood boil.