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Thread #113349   Message #2417916
Posted By: Emma B
19-Aug-08 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: War in Georgia (2008)
Subject: RE: BS: War in Georgia
'But even as tensions appear to be easing in the South Ossetia crisis, Saakashvili's bold—critics say reckless—handling of a crisis with Russia over the pro-Russian breakaway republic is raising plenty of questions.

The doubts being raised challenge not only his judgment in ordering Georgian forces into South Ossetia (a move that triggered the Russian assault) but also about the Bush administration's approach to backing a young, nationalistic democrat whose actions have fed the deepest tensions between Washington and a resurgent Moscow since the end of the Cold War........

Still, State Department officials were troubled last year by Saakashvili's willingness to send police against unarmed protesters and an opposition TV station and to rule, for a time, under a state of emergency.

In recent months, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other officials are said to have warned Saakashvili against taking any military moves that could provoke Moscow, especially a thrust into South Ossetia.

It is unclear how firmly the message was delivered, but their advice seems to have been ignored'

From a report by Thomas Omestad yesterday

'Why Washington Has Embraced Georgia's Embattled President
But in taking on Russia, Saakashvili may have misjudged the depth of U.S. support'