The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113634   Message #2418129
Posted By: Arkie
19-Aug-08 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: Music: Raw or Refined?
Subject: RE: Music: Raw or Refined?
I like a raw sound, but not too raw. But where does one draw the line? After Jayto mentioned Reverend Peyton I was able to listen to an album and really liked the group. They stuck to the basics. A half dozen studio musicians would not improve on the recording. Back in the late 50s or early 60s whenever "strings" were inserted in country music, it did not bother me all that much, but when I listen to any of those recordings today, I cannot help but think how much better they would be without the orchestra. I get the feeling that there are music producers who pad the music in recordings hoping to suck in a wider audience. That does not always show off the artist or the song in its best light.