The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22328   Message #241894
Posted By: Micca
13-Jun-00 - 06:47 AM
Thread Name: U571: what is it about the Yanks?
Subject: RE: U571: what is it about the Yanks?
For info, If you can get the TV series of "Das Boot" rather than the edited down Movie it really is the Dogs Bollocks of Sub "Movies". It also depicts the best portrayl of the experience of a small ship in a storm ever portrayed on film,IMHO. As for History and Hollywood... well,I gave up trying to get my History from biased sources after reading about the "Princes in the Tower" and their supposed " murder " by Richard III, as written by Thomas Moore, a Tudor and writing of events that happened when he was 4 years old, for the Tudors, who "won".