The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113653   Message #2419259
Posted By: jacqui.c
21-Aug-08 - 04:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is England ready for my wife?
Subject: RE: BS: Is England ready for my wife?
Hi to all

I've finally got a PC up and working this morning.

Having had a terrific time last night - what wonderful singers they have at Marlow Bottom - I'm off to pick up the grandson and head north to Newark for the next couple of weeks, although I'm planning on taking Lewis off away on adventures during that time.

I'm hoping to try and get to Towersey on the Sunday and don't fret Liz - I shall be doing my best to get to East London at some point.

First off, I have to get orders from my daughter about where I HAVE to be at any given time (i.e. Lewis's birthday party) and then I can plan everything else.

Kendall is quite capable of coping with life on his own but I do miss both him and Seamus. Teleportation would be a great idea for me!