The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113667   Message #2419464
Posted By: katlaughing
21-Aug-08 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: McCain/Lieberman v Obama/Biden
Subject: RE: BS: McCain/Lieberman v Obama/Biden
IMO, James Carville has some good advice for Obama, regardless of who he chooses for VP. You can read the whole thing HERE. Here's an excerpt:

Obama can connect with voters on the economy by using history as a guideline. He should start by reading "Unequal Democracy," by Princeton academic Larry Bartels. The non-partisan and non-political Bartels points out devastatingly after an exhaustive study of Democratic and Republican presidents that the Democrats built a better economy and a more just society.

The campaign needs to say that, since 1900, Democratic presidents have not only "won" but dominated on every economic front: GDP growth, employment, deficit and income equality. Need more? How about a better performing stock market and a more fiscally-responsible spending.

There's no need to listen to McCain's marginal rates, death tax, deregulation, trickle-down, supply-side shenanigans because historically Democratic presidencies have produced better economies. And with the economy still in the forefront, it seems like a no-brainer for Obama to talk about the historical supremacy of economies under Democratic presidents.