The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113687   Message #2419828
Posted By: GUEST,iancarterb
21-Aug-08 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: Cigar Box Geetar Players???....
Subject: RE: Cigar Box Geetar Players???....
My first ax (ca. 60 years ago)was in fact a cigar box and what must have been about a 1x2 and had one string on a big peg with a handle. My brother helped me with fitting the crank through the 1x2 neck. It changed pitch continuously from where it was to where it had gotten when I stopped turning the crank. It did please me to have done it, but was unsatisfactory after a little while comparing it to the more predictable sounds my brother's guitar made. Fun to remember, though!
Carter B