The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113667   Message #2420351
Posted By: Lox
22-Aug-08 - 06:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: McCain/Lieberman v Obama/Biden
Subject: RE: BS: McCain/Lieberman v Obama/Biden

In response to your post:

I also believe all politicians are subject to ruthless scrutiny.

In fact I believe that all political opinions are subject to ruthless scrutiny.

Including yours and mine.

And any mudcatter who cares to research will find that in the heat of the moment I have inflicted heavy doses of ridicule on views that I find abhorrent.

The racial aspect of the "black messiah" joke is an essential part of its construct.

It doesn't work without it.

Try saying ... "new messiah" ... hmmm ... not funny ...

I know ... how about ... "liberal messiah" ... nope ... still not funny ...

No aspect of Obamas politics, opinions or actions are scrutinized or lampooned by this joke and neither are the politics, views or actions of his supporters, despite the supposedly subtle suggestion that he is only where he is because people are blinded by his colour.

As for cleverness or originality, this joke has been so often repeated since Obama first began to look like a contender, that its comic value has long since been chewed to death and has lost its flavour ...

The only comic value left, is that provided by its usefulness to taunt and provoke.

The only enjoyment left is for those who enjoy the discomfiture of those whom it insults.

And who does it insult the most? liberals or blacks?

And why? because of their views or because they're black?

The answer is that it insults blacks because they are black.

Stand up comics do indeed make jokes based on race.

But sometimes they get it wrong.

Like Kramer.