The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113258   Message #2420371
Posted By: Stringsinger
22-Aug-08 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Have you seen Obama's energy speech!
Subject: RE: BS: Have you seen Obama's energy speech!
Obama could create jobs if: 1. He did what Roosevelt did, put poor people to work for the government on "green" and infrastructure jobs, 2. Cut the FICA payments down for wage earners,3. Get behind the unions because when union membership increases, wages go up and corporations do NOT suffer, 4. Restore Americorps which is our best ambassador
to the world, 5. Observe "cafe standards" in the auto industry, 6. Raise tariffs on foreign
goods to protect American jobs, 6. Streamline the process for the legalization of Mexican workers who work harder than most Americans, 7. Create tax incentives for those who seek job retraining in educational institutions, 8. Get government regulation over those corporations that exploit working people in the US, 9. Insist that the dividend collectors
who sit around on their butts pay their fair share of taxes, and 10. Restore the role of
the working man as America's true hero, not some military general or phony war hero.