The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113667   Message #2420767
Posted By: Bobert
23-Aug-08 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: McCain/Lieberman v Obama/Biden
Subject: RE: BS: McCain/Lieberman v Obama/Biden
Here is what I don't get... McCain makes it a daily ritual to put hios foot in his mouth... Biden does it only on occasion... Yet the media is willin' to overlook McCain's mis-statements...

I mean, this is a liitle like the uncle who shows up at family events, tells dirty jokes to the kids and everyone says "It's just Uncle Earnie being Uncle Earnie..."

When did America get so dumbed down that we would allow ourselves to vote for a man who's mouth constantly goes in motion long before the brain... And in the case of misidentifying faction in Iraq, had to be pulled aside twice to be told he was mis-speaking...

I don't think we need another 8 years of free-association remarks by out president... Shoot, it might take years for a friggin' ***thoughtful*** man like Obama who knows what ears are for to restore a little respect and integrity to our country...

Grading "on a curve" is fine for high school but not fine for the next president...

The media needs to start telling the truth about what they know about McCain... And soon!!!
