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Thread #113667   Message #2420917
Posted By: GUEST,Jack the Sailor
23-Aug-08 - 07:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: McCain/Lieberman v Obama/Biden
Subject: RE: BS: McCain/Lieberman v Obama/Biden

With as much respect as I can muster, your ignorance of subjects you choose to talk about is sometimes nothing short of staggering. Mitt Romney's money did not come from his father. It came from his work as a "consultant" and a corporate raider. His 200 million dollar personal fortune came in very large part from engineering layoffs.

As you say, Mitt grew up in an executive's mansion and his father lived in a governor's mansion. Romney, is a second generation politician.

It was you who started out with the characatures. If you are not willing to see the same standards applied to your candidates, you shouldn't have opened that door.

I did not get this information from websites. I got it from interviews with your candidates on conservative main stream media. Interviews with people like Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan.

>>I'll take a successful business man paired with a military man over a pair of mouthy lawyers. So will rural America. That don't mean they will win since cities have all the clout, but this ticket is an affront to much of the US.<<

McCain has been in Washington for a lot more time than he has been in the Military. Part of his time in the military was as a "liason" to Washington. By now McCain is 9 parts politician 1 part military man. Romney is a silver spoon fed, classic dyed in the wool, blow dried, elitist, country club, Republican.

If rural America gets to know these two, they won't vote for them.