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Thread #113667   Message #2421176
Posted By: Ron Davies
24-Aug-08 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: McCain/Lieberman v Obama/Biden
Subject: RE: BS: McCain/Lieberman v Obama/Biden
The best thing about Biden is he will not hurt Obama with any of the groups likely to support him--which most of the other choices could have possibly done. (Except Nunn.)

"First, do no harm".

Second thing about him is, as many have pointed out already, he can be a good attack dog. Anybody who complains about Biden being a divider, not a uniter, is evidently ignorant of the traditional VP role for quite a while now--rip the opposition. For a perfect example of somebody not precisely a uniter, I offer Mr. Cheney.

Best thing about this whole process is that it's now over, and the focus shifts to McCain. No matter who he picks as VP, he loses.

If he picks a conservative fire-eater, he loses the opportunity to appeal to independents, whose views on abortion, immigration, taxes, etc., do not fit with the Neanderthal right----but whose votes he desperately needs. McCain cannot win with just Republican votes.

If he doesn't pick a rock-hard right-wing VP, his own base, already not anywhere as enthusiastic about him as Obama's is about him, has yet another great reason to stay home in November.