The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113754   Message #2421255
Posted By: GUEST,Jack the Sailor
24-Aug-08 - 12:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Getting to know Biden
Subject: RE: BS: Getting to know Biden
The Late Show
David Letterman: Brett Favre says he has reconsidered his decision to retire and he wants to get back in the game. Today, Hillary Clinton said, "You can do that?"

The Colbert Report
Steven Colbert: Inflation is at its high rate in 17 years. God, it's getting so that a country can't spend a trillion dollars on two wars without hurting its economy anymore.

Late Late Show
Craig Ferguson: Cindy McCain went to the hospital because she sprained her wrist. Doctors say it's nothing serious. The sprain is probably just from cutting John's meat into little, tiny pieces.

The Colbert Report
Colbert: There's news that Hillary Clinton's name will be put in nomination at the Democratic convention, after which, I guess, the convention hall will implode like that house in poltergeist.

The Late Show
Letterman: Italy is designing clothing based on how Barack Obama dresses. And I said, "Well, yeah, that will connect him with the angry, working class voters."

The Daily Show
Jon Stewart: Bush did sit down with premier Olympic sportscaster Bob Costas.
Costas: Given China's growing strength and America's own problems, realistically how much leverage and influence does the U.S. have here?
Bush: First of all I don't see America having problems.
Stewart: I think that might be our biggest problem.