The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113763   Message #2421263
Posted By: GUEST,Texas Guest
24-Aug-08 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Miss Fogarty's Christmas Cake (C F Horn)
Subject: Lyr Req: Mrs. (?)'s Christmas Cake
Well, here we are again with hat in hand asking for assistance from the many at Mudcat.

Situation: at a music retreat last year I participated in a song circle where someone sang a funny song about a lady and her Christmas cake. Now it is almost September of the following year and nothing can be recalled about the song except that it was funny and the thought that it would make a good presentation around Christmas. Oh, I did come across a note from last year to look up, "Mrs. (?)'s Christmas Cake," - a lot of good that did.

Question: would any Mudcat folk have knowledge of and/or the lyrics to such a song? Any help would be appreciated since Christmas is right across the street for those of us who do Christmas shows. Thanks. Cheers.