The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113716   Message #2421576
Posted By: Greg B
25-Aug-08 - 12:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Olympics -favourite moment
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics -favourite moment
How about when Spain nearly put 'brise up yon Americans in basketball?

I can't stand the game, but really enjoyed watching it live in the
wee small hours of this morning; they brought it to within two points
in the last quarter. Considering the American were a bunch of
millionaires and billionaires and the Spaniards were a lot of
working stiffs who knew how to play together, it was great good
fun to watch Bryant and James struggle to hold them off.

I did very much enjoy the kayak racing; being a paddler myself, I
learned a great deal from observing the strokes of the best. I applied
it this very weekend, and it did indeed work!

I wish I could have seen the equestrian or sailing events, but they'd
rather show on NBC the worst handball and beach volleyball players
than the best yachtsmen and women and equestrians in the world.

"Lightning" Bolt was well worth the watching, and he can posture,
pound his chest, and celebrate all he chooses because he bloody well
IS the best runner that ever trod the earth, even though he knows it.
He may bring jerk chicken into the realm of "health food."

Both the men's and women's beach volleyball (I enjoyed the latter
doubly well) were a hoot, and very entertaining.

I found the opening ceremonies to be frightening, and disturbing.
I'm a fan of great drumming, but there was something large and
martial about that stuff. It recalled those great rallies in
Europe in the 1930's and 1940's and made me distinctly uncomfortable.
Also...they had Han Chinese playing the parts of various genuine
ethnic groups. Way too much attempts at "managing" the worlds'
perception. Then again...they didn't really fool anyone, now
did they?

To their credit, on a personal level, the Chinese clearly showed
the athletes tremendous hospitality. Good for them on that note.

Did anyone else notice that there was ZERO coverage of the actual
Olympic Village?

I can't help but wonder--- as I type this and after the closing
ceremonies, what sort of indiscretions and 'hook ups' are occurring
amongst those athletic celebrants whom we saw on the floor of the
"bird's nest." Here's hoping that they succeed in entwining "the
myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine" as they, above all, deserve it!