The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113754 Message #2422647
Posted By: Joe Offer
26-Aug-08 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Getting to know Biden
Subject: RE: BS: Getting to know Biden
Now, boys, stop squabbling.
We have a policy that prohibits lengthy non-music copy-paste posts. Unfortunately, the nice music people are very timid and don't want to break the rules, so they often fail to post the text of music posts. I came across a very frustrating dead link today, and couldn't find the text the link was supposed to lead to.
But the NON-MUSIC posters (two of them in particular - I'll call them "A" and "B") are far more aggressive, and they constantly and annoyingly play footsie with the copy-paste policy. In certain threads, I've simply given up, and those threads are forests of copy-paste articles that nobody reads but "A" and "B."
But I have to say that "A" and "B" know the rules (or how they are enforced). The limit on non-music copy-pastes, is one screen on my monitor. And since I have a 32-inch monitor, that's a lot of words. And this post, disagreeable though it may be, is under the one-screen limit by a hair. -Joe Offer, Forum Moderator-