The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113813   Message #2422853
Posted By: catspaw49
26-Aug-08 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: McCrash
Subject: RE: BS: McCrash
You're all wrong btw and especially that bull that started the post. I'm certainly no McCain fan but I AM an avid watcher of the History Channel and the Military Channel. There is an excellent piece (not focusing on McCain) that has the official Navy film of this disaster aboard the Forrestal. The jets are parked along the sides and after the fire starts you can see McCain climb out of his cockpit, walk along the nose, and jump to the deck just clear of the fire.

There has been much written on the web on BOTH sides but the film evidence discounts a good deal of what is being said. YOu can find the video on YouTube.

ANd yes.......Much like the "Swiftboating" of Kerry, this too is a smear campaign. The fact that I liked Kerry and dislike McCain doesn't enter into the fact that both were and are horseshit.
