The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22328   Message #242293
Posted By: Grab
14-Jun-00 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: U571: what is it about the Yanks?
Subject: RE: U571: what is it about the Yanks?
It's a film, set in a time when most of us weren't alive. So I'd guess the film bosses decided that accuracy wasn't that important, cos it was just a story.

What gets my goat is when they say "The true story" or even worse, "Based on a true story". Hey, if it's fiction then it's fiction! Saving Private Ryan suffered from that. And there's Elizabeth as well - total fiction. That's the trouble - if the film's delivered as if we're expected to believe it actually happened, then it gets unpleasant feelings going when you know it's crap, and you start thinking "That didn't happen that way" instead of watching the story.
