The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113813   Message #2422935
Posted By: Bobert
26-Aug-08 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: McCrash
Subject: RE: BS: McCrash
That thought crossed my mind aas well, CarolC... Tghe Repubs are so sneaky that they might have put this out...

I have often wondered in Karl Rove didn't have something to do with the fake documents that found their way into Dan Rather's hands and purdy much ended the discussion on why Bush went AWOL...

Hey, it worked...

I fully agree with olddude on this one... Whereas I really am not ready to engage in Republican-like slime I do find it fun to point out the hypocrisy of the Bushites here...

And like I have said before, if I was John McCain's CO and he crashed even one high dollar airplane he would have been grounded... That is why pilots spend lots of time in similators... Let them crash them over and over... That is what they are for... There is no excuse for crashing a real plane if you are trained unless the plane is messed up...
