The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113813   Message #2422946
Posted By: Bobert
26-Aug-08 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: McCrash
Subject: RE: BS: McCrash
What does o'Bomber mean to you, bb???

Please expalin why you think it is perfectly okay to dis Barak Obama for suggesting that he would support a policy that the Bush administration currently has in place...

Or why you think that McCain is some hero because, inspite of his bluster to follow Osama bin Laden to the gates of Hell, that he (or you) think it's okay to not have a policy that would allow you to take Osama out if you had actionable intellegence and could get him with a Preditor???

You, bb, make absolutely no sense...

You dis a guy for saying that he would continue a Bush policy that would get Osama bin Laden and support a guy who wouldn't...

You are a real piece or work, BB... Try independent thought now and then... I really dosen't hurt...
