The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113813   Message #2422973
Posted By: Bobert
26-Aug-08 - 09:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: McCrash
Subject: RE: BS: McCrash
Ya' mean McNasty, bb??? He is..

You mean McWar, bb??? He is...

You mean McMischief, bb??? He is...

You mean McUgly, bb??? He is...

I mean, I'm dealing with reality here... The guy is a blowhard who never met a war not worth starting... He is nasty... He is mischievious and he is butt ugly...

As for Obama??? Hey, he doesn't go off with the theatrics like McActor... He just states calmly that if he has "actionable intellegence" that folks are about to attack us and Pakistan refuses to act that he will...

Duhhhhhh??? This should be a no-brainer but you and yer hero John MCain think this shows a weakness on Obama's part???

Just how do you define weakness when yer guy, who says he's gonna get Osama and then belittles a policy that would allow US to, ahhhhhhh, friggin' get Osama if Pakistan wouldn't...

Can you expalin this, bb, because so far you explanations leave a lot to be desired when it comes to adult reasoning???
