The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113813   Message #2423086
Posted By: catspaw49
27-Aug-08 - 03:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: McCrash
Subject: RE: BS: McCrash
Geeziz, I hate to defend McCain.............Kerry took a royal fucking so I'd love to see the same happen to McCain but truth is, I was disgusted with the tactics then and I'm disgusted now.

Yeah.....McCain "LOST" 5 aircraft:

1)    One was a training accident. So what? Training accident......Shit Happens

2)   He fucked up and took out some power lines...his fault....pilot error.

3)   A flameout with no restart. A common scenario and NOT pilot error. Crashing due to engine failure started with powered flight ferchrissakes.

4)   The Forrestal fire. He had nothing to do with starting this in any way and could just as easily been killed. Video proves he was another innocent victim.

5)   Shot down over VietNam by a SAM. This happened to quite a few pilots.

Kennedy lost his PT boat. Quite arguably it could have been avoided.

Kerry didn't deserve it and much as I hate to say it, neither does McCain.
