The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113813   Message #2423563
Posted By: Barry Finn
27-Aug-08 - 02:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: McCrash
Subject: RE: BS: McCrash
I'm with Carole on McFly's military record. If we had voted on what wasn't known about Bush the flunky might never had gotten the job. He & McFly have way to much in common on their military fronts. Poor at whatever they put their hands to, fathers that could & did cover their asses with TP, records that they'd love to hide, both thought themselves hot shots, both flyers with no claim to fame. McFly does have one up on the Brush, it was a good thing he was sidelined for 5 yrs. With 5 wrecks in 20 hrs worth of flying time what damage he could have done in 5 yrs is likely to have cost the US the war, McFly wants to try again & win this one??? Don't let him fly take him out of the driver's seat, now.
