The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22162   Message #242473
Posted By: GUEST,Liz the Squeak
14-Jun-00 - 04:39 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Help me get back in please!!
Subject: RE: Help: Help me get back in please!!
I've never made it to the point that says 'your cookie has been reset', it always tells me that it doesn't recognise my password. I click the box that says click here if you forgot your password and it will be E mailed to you, but I still haven't got it over a week later.....

Sorry chaps to be boring, but I just want to be allowed in to play again.......

If I try to join, it tells me that I'm already in the database, but if I try to log in, it tells me it doesn't recognise me and that I've expired or been deleted....