The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113708   Message #2424879
Posted By: Bobert
28-Aug-08 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: Freedom finger picks
Subject: RE: Freedom finger picks
No, John, it fits fine... It's just that the angle at which my niddle finger strikes the strings is just where the Freedon pick dosen't fully pick... Think of it as a blind spot in a car... What happens is that it strikes the string so that part of tghe pick and part of my finger hit the string which is very disconcerting...

I do, however, like the the feel of it on my first finger and think it might just be an improvement as I it does strum and back pick and well as down pick....

We'll see... It may take some getting used to as it is a little like picking bare finger with the first and a pick on the second geometry wise...
