The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22404   Message #242541
Posted By: Sorcha
14-Jun-00 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: Bill and Allan's Mudcat Adventure Part 4
Subject: RE: Bill and Allan's Mudcat Adventure Part 4
I suppose I should finally take time to tell you all what we did at my house. I have been so wiped physically from the weekend, I have just lazed around!
The guys arrived On Time about 3:30 local time, and came over to the house at 6PM. We had a lovely yard party-BBQ with all the "normal" USA picnic food--burgers & hot dogs, potato salad, deviled eggs,spinach salad, peach cobbler, and, since we are after all in Wyoming, deer and antelope marinated in raspberry vinegar/olive oil and grilled.
The day started out VERY hot, almost 100F, but cooled off nicely in the eve. Threatened rain, but it never happened. Had about 15 people here, including most of my band. Made music by firelight until almost 11, when everybody had to leave.
Bill, Allan and I went to Old Fort Laramie, a restored frontier/Indian Wars fort, and to the Oregon Trail wagon ruts on Friday. These ruts are so impressive--a trail cut wagon box deep (4+ feet!) through solid granite. Allan was so excited, he was running up and down them, jumping up and down, imagining the people, their desire for land and their perserverance. Sent them north to kat's house Friday afternoon, and joined them there Sat. afternoon for the EA Hearme session.
I keep thinking of a song by Elkin Thomas, called "The Journey"......can't find the words on line,so I guess I will have to go listen to it, and transcribe, but "the Journey is all the time........."

Somehow, this trip has tied all of us together in a very personal way. Those of us that have been fortunate enough to meet Allan and Bill, have somehow, now met each other.
Shine on, adventurers, shine on.