Now I'm confused - The words McGrath has posted are the words (give or take a few minor alterations) of the version I know, and had in mind when I wrote the non-scents song above. So presumably the tune is the same too. (I remember it from a recording by Robin Hall and Jimmy McGregor). I hadn't realised there were two tunes - but if I had,there might still have been a problem.It's a very elastic tune. The phrase which covers four syllables (Let/Grass/es/Grow)in verse 1 extends to cover six syllables (At the/foot/of the/hill) in verse 2, and the four note 'echo' in the version I know covers seven syllables (There's a/darling/little/still). Part of the fun of this tune is fitting the words in - so I was quite happy to use five syllables in my first line (In/Cana/da's/Land), and use any number of syllables from four to seven in these phrases throughout. (I'm using slashes to indicate beats; the extra syllables go on quavers where needed). Anyway, it fitted in my head when I wrote it.
None of this really matters - it's led to McGrath posting the words of one of my favourite songs, so I'm happy.