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Thread #113349   Message #2425516
Posted By: Teribus
29-Aug-08 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: War in Georgia (2008)
Subject: RE: BS: War in Georgia
Interesting Article BBC:

Excerpt 1:
"The Russians' strongest argument in defence of its armed intervention is that blame for the outbreak of a shooting war is shared.

Most observers agree it is, and that Georgia's President Mikheil Saakashvili acted rashly or wrongly in ordering his army to bombard and take the South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali.

He was wrong, too, to speak of Russia "exterminating" his nation.

But in many other ways, Russia's defence of its armed intervention has been found wanting or false.

Russia's official charges of "genocide" by Georgian forces against the South Ossetians were quickly discredited by Human Rights Watch.

Broken promises

Moscow's South Ossetian allies still claim that nearly 1,700 people died in the Georgian assault but evidence has yet to be produced."

Excerpt 2:
"Mr Medvedev argued that Russia had been forced to use force to protect its own nationals in South Ossetia.

But Russia has deliberately engineered that situation by handing out Russian passports to large numbers of local inhabitants."

Excerpt 3:
"Finally, Russia's claim that its motive in Georgia was purely humanitarian was exploded by this week's decision to recognise the independence of the two breakaway regions."

Now how long ago was it that Russia stated that it would withdraw it's troops from Georgian territory? Have they done it yet? Does anybody seriously think that they are ever going to?

This whole thing has been engineered by Russia and they have to shown that they will not be allowed to get away with it.