The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113847   Message #2425770
Posted By: Bobert
29-Aug-08 - 04:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Harold Simmons, Big Fat Liar!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Harold Simmons, Big Fat Liar!!!
When, exactly, did Obama say he was proud of Ayers for bombing the capitol building, Sawz???

(Well, Bobert, he didn't ever say that, infer that or in any way give the impression that he was proud of Ayers for having done that...)

Oh??? Then why is it in the commercial???

Listen, Sawz... Everyone has freedom of sppech but noone has the right to yell "Fire" in a crowded movie theater... This is equivelant to what Simmons is doing...

And as for ones right to make one's own decisions, democracy is built on the premise of am informed electorate... Not an uninformed electorate... When you feed the electorate misinformation all you are doing is asking for democracy not to work...

McCain, the so-called straight talker, should have this ad pulled and apologize to Obama for allowing it to air...

(But, Bobert, it wasn't an "official" McCain ad...)

No, but if McCain was really this straight talking maverick he would pick up the phone, call Simmons and tell him to cool it...
