The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7662   Message #2426938
Posted By: GUEST,The Shikken
31-Aug-08 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Linden Lea
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Linden Lea
Interesting to read this thread and realise that there are others like me who, for no particular reason, find their "hum" following a long forgotten melody, then the words trickle back, then they start wondering about all the other songs that they used to sing around about that time.
I was in junior school in a fenland town in the 60's, we had a series of song books that we could already see were ancient (the children in the black-and white picture on the front cover looked distinctly Blighton-esque and 40/50's clad) but which introduced us to many lovely songs and melodies that seem to have been lost in the mists. I live in South Africa now but now and then my soggy grey English upbringing comes back to me in those tunes and lyrics. I would love to find those song books again!