The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113747   Message #2427446
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
01-Sep-08 - 05:10 AM
Thread Name: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Subject: RE: '5000 Morris Dancers'
IB - you are pro-immigration plus pro-fusion

Pro-reality in other words, WAV. There is no such thing as cultural purity - the Cultural Health & Diversity of Planet Earth is entirely the consequence of (and entirely dependent on) Human Migration. Even as individuals we're not Culturally Pure, nor even Ethnically Pure; no one is, WAV - not even you.

and, because you are an extreme case

If the cap fits...

lacking in formal education

What I actually lack is a higher education, but I will accept this as a compliment coming from one who, despite the obvious glories of his academic achievements, consistently demonstrates, publishes and promotes his complete & utter ignorance in the matters on which he feels he knows best.

you take to branding anyone who questions them as a "racist".

Fucking right I do - especially in this case, because you are.

There IS a difference between questioning immigration

It is not just your questioning of immigration that brands you as a racist (although it is a fair indication) it is also your volkish obsessions with cultural / ethnic purity and nationhood coupled with your erroneous belief that, as a consequence (and I quote) English culture is taking a hammering and, when people lose their own culture,society suffers. Thus it might be be shown beyond any shadow of a doubt that by your own published admission you are, indeed, a racist.

I, e.g., love the world being multicultural.

This is a specious rhetoric you have in common with all racists, WAV; it might well be considered as your defining racist qualification.

I'd rather imagine being in a proper English village, with traditional English music being played in a traditional English pub,...a glass of mead in hand, a clog dancer by my side, and a plate of stottie and chips on the table; and, out the window, a weeping willow licking a river's flow, as snow falls gently on a bevy of swans...

White birds, white snow, white bread, white chips, a white clog dancer; we get the message, WAV, loud & clear.

As for the Weeping Willow, however... first introduced to Britain from a German nursery in about 1908; a hybrid of garden origin, between a Chinese species, Salix babylonica and the White Willow, Salix alba. Interesting choice.