The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19851   Message #2427748
Posted By: Jim Dixon
01-Sep-08 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: My baby got washed down the plughole
Subject: Lyr Add: THE DRAINPIPE SONG (Amsterdam, Patrick)
Here's an interesting adaptation of this traditional(?) cockney song for an American audience. Shay seems to be making some effort to produce a cockney accent, but she does it so badly I have not bothered to represent her pronunciation with my spelling.

(Morey Amsterdam, Katherine "Kay" Patrick)
As recorded by Dorothy Shay, Columbia 37893, 1947.

A mother was washing her baby one night,
Poor little infant so slim and so slight!
The mother turned round for the soap on the rack.
'Twas only a moment but when she turned back—

"Oh, where, oh, where is my baby?" she cried.
"Oh, where is my baby?" and the angels replied:

"Your baby has gone down the drainpipe.
Your baby has gone down the plug.
Poor little mite, so slim and so slight,
He should have been washed in a jug.
Your baby is perfectly happy,
'Cause he won’t have to bathe any more.
Your baby has gone down the plughole,
Not lost but gone ever more.

"Your baby has gone down the drainpipe,
And the chlorine is bad for his eyes.
He’s having a swim, and it’s healthy for him.
He needed the exercise.
Don’t worry your head; just be happy,
And remember he suffered no pain.
Your baby has gone down the plughole.
Let’s hope he don’t stop up the drain."

[As recorded by Dorothy Shay in 1947 on Columbia 37893; also on "The Park Avenue Hillbillie Sings Feudin' & Fightin'," Vintage Jazz Band CD #1954, 2001.]