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Thread #113920   Message #2427787
Posted By: Stringsinger
01-Sep-08 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Afghanistan the next Vietnam?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Afghanistan the next Vietnam?
Teribus, more misinformation from you.

"Fire power displayed on a very large scale - LH you really do tend to exaggerate, whenever it comes to things relating to the US military. Compared to the firepower they have at their disposal what has been displayed over the period in question has been fairly proportionate to the situation."

Yes, this is what was said about the slaughter of innocents in Vietnam.

"US armed forces "occupy" neither Iraq or Afghanistan - Ask the UN Security Council, US Forces/ISAF/MNF are present in accordance with UN Security Council Mandate - A fact I know that you hate to acknowledge to the point that you never mention it."

This still is an occupation precipitated by a pre-emptive strike on Iraq. It doesn't matter how much influence the US exerts on the Security Council Mandate. They should move the UN building out of the US.

"Set up "Client" regimes? Now how on earth did they set those up LH? Or is this juust another of your inventions? "

Blackwater, KBR and other defense contractors own Iraq. Very little of the oil
money is going to help that country regain its former state.

"The "big bad USA" got all those people out to vote for the people that they (The USA) wanted to get elected?"

You may not be aware of this but there are those in the Republican Administration that
know how to conduct fraudulent elections. Not the USA wanted the elections to go their way but the Pentagon and the defense contractors were the recipients. Elections in Iraq are a joke.

" Another fact that you and your fellow travellers hate to admit about the elections held in both Iraq and in Afghanistan:

1) They were the first democratic elections ever held in either country."

Errant nonsense. They were railroaded by special Bush interests. They were not
true democratic elections in any meaningful sense.

"2) Both elections were adjudged to be full, fair and free by UN monitors present at both."

Also not true. There was no unanimous opinion on this.

"3) A larger proportion of electorate voted in both those elections than ever turn out for elections in either the US or in the UK."

Complete false and flagrant propaganda. There was no way to measure this.

"Oh by the bye LH, US Forces "boots-on-the-ground" look up Germany, South Korea and Japan, are those countries "occupied" as well?"

In that the citizens of those countries are not being pushed around by American troops
in an aggressive and dictatorial fashion, it's not the same thing.

"To Robbie Wilson, true "Afghanistan is not where the SOB's who took out the twin towers came from" - Afghanistan is where they were trained."

Here, they may have been trained but not at the behest of the Afghanistan government or with the unanimous support of the Afghan people. It was a training camp that could
well have been funded by Arab nationals. It was a convenient place to do this because there was no official monitoring.

" Afghanistan is where the plot was hatched, planned and directed from. Now irrespective of where the perpetrators were born, why on earth would you attack any other place than Afghanistan in relation to the attacks of September 11th 2001?"

Because it was the reactionary forces in the Arab Republics, the fundamentalist
religious groups in Egypt and Saudi Arabia that were behind bin Laden to begin with.
Afghanistan just happened to be a convenient locale to form camps. You don't know that these plans were hatched in Afghanistan. That's just a guess.