The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113876 Message #2428106
Posted By: Rowan
01-Sep-08 - 06:43 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Recitations - Fed up of the same old
Subject: Lyr Add: THE LIARS (Henry E Horne)
And, if the word "outback" is replaced with "rural", I suspect this one might find acceptance in Ireland, too.
THE LIARS Henry E Horne
Ten boys sat in a ring and played at telling lies, An outback pastime, with a strayed young dog for prize. The Parson they informed, who strolled to see their fun, The pup was for the cove who told the biggest one.
The good old man looked upon that ring of boys and sighed. "I'm sorry to hear such thing as this," he cried. "I never dared to tell a lie, nor even knew Such sinful sport, my lads, when I was young like you."
Ten faces fell, not from shame, but sheer defeat; Ten little liars dropped the game, for they were beat. Ten boys arose – a sullen band – quite broken up; And Jim, the judge, said, "Billy, hand the bloke the pup."