The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113747   Message #2428465
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
02-Sep-08 - 05:45 AM
Thread Name: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Subject: RE: '5000 Morris Dancers'
(IB)...falsely calling someone a "racist" is not only defamatory but personal

This not a false accusation, but one based fairly & squarely on your published writings. You write this stuff, WAV and everything I've said is directed against what you have written & published.

and, in my defence, I've had to criticise you for your lack of ability to analyse such matters clearly, which formal study can improve our ability at.

Unless inebriated, I have no problem whatsoever with clear analysis - and, as has been pointed out, formal study is very often a hindrance to such abilities anyway, though I in no way resent academia. Further - the simplistic sloganeering that you specialise in does not require analysis; it would be clear to a five-year-old what your true feelings are, though perhaps, in later life, they might begin to wonder why you feel this way, much less why you feel the need to publish the fact.

I'll try again - there IS a difference between questioning immigration and being racist;

You're not trying though. Time & time again you've been invited to explain just how there is a difference between questioning immigration and being a racist, especially when, as has been pointed out (time & time again) that your anti-immigration stance is but a facet, albeit a crucial one, of your overall, and very evident, racist philosophy. So please explain what the difference is, especially in relation to your visions of ethnically cleansed & culturally segregated humanity.

and I've only repeatedly questioned the act of immigration itself - NOT any particular culture or race.

What about the English? That's one very particular culture & race you take great delight in banging on about with your misguided whiter-than-white vision of the England of the 1950s before immigration. That, by very definite implication, is racist thinking, WAV; and like all racist thinking, it is 100% bullshit.