The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10276   Message #2429033
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
02-Sep-08 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: Songs about disability
Subject: RE: Songs about disability
I wrote two songs on my cassette album 'frost at Midnight' about my wife's experiences - over 20 years ago now. My wife sung them. I wasn't very pleased with them. I recorded them at the late Doug Porter's studio. though he was a nice man. He didn't undertand the songs, and he made suggestions that were inapprropriate about the slant we gave them.

We got a largely negative feedback from the disabilty press, because it was me, the carer, who had written the songs.

However they're as honest a breakdown of the disabled experience as I've come across.

A fan put the whole album onto cd for me a few weeks ago - if anyones interested - I'll send them a copy. I have no further interest n them. Denise performed them once at a booking at Mansfield folk club.

A couple of nurses came up to me after the gig and congratulated me for the accuracy of the observation in the songs. But the club organiser told me he thought that they made the rest of the audience very disturbed. It was a bridge too far. the trenches of the first world war are a cosier option than the suffering and the indifference to it that goes on in our midst.