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Thread #113349   Message #2429645
Posted By: CarolC
03-Sep-08 - 05:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: War in Georgia (2008)
Subject: RE: BS: War in Georgia
I disagree with the premise that it is a messy blood feud and that it serves no good purpose to determine who is causing the problem. If we want the problem to be solved, we need to know its cause. Whenever one group of people attempts to subjugate and suppress another people, violence is the result. And when that happens, the violence doesn't end until the subjugation and suppression stop. The South Ossetians are happy to no longer be a part of Georgia. They are happy to receive protection from Russia, against further hostile acts from Georgia. The NATO countries are now ratcheting up the violent rhetoric, as is Georgia itself, instead of just allowing the South Ossetians to get on with their lives and be free.

The other problem is that the US is using the situation in Georgia, South Ossetia, and Abkhazia as a part of its program for increasing its global hegemony. This is not something that we can just sit back and be silent about. They are increasing their stranglehold on most of the world, as well as the people of the US, and they are waging multiple wars of aggression as a part of this agenda. This, of course, stimulates a similar response from countries that rightly perceive themselves to be under threat by the US and its stated goals of breaking up and suppressing any emerging powers that could arise to compete with US supremacy. This is not speculation on my part. It's their stated doctrine. This means endless war. The only way to make it stop is for people to recognize what is going on and to take corrective action in their respective countries. For those of us in the US, that means making sure as many people as possible know what is going on. And that means identifying the source of the problem, and pointing it out for everyone to see. This is what I am attempting to do, along with speaking up for the right of all peoples to self-determination.