The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22411   Message #242976
Posted By: GUEST,Ickle Dorritt
15-Jun-00 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Football without tears
Subject: RE: BS: Football without tears
Airto, the england team did NOT relax after going 2-0 up against Portugal -it just so happens they are shite - (it's a classic mistake to make and I forgive you for thinking that players who are paid £50000 a week should bother to turn up to play a decent 90 minutes at all!)

If you heard the Euro 1996 anthem 'Football's coming home! then you may be familiar with the Euro 2000 england team anthem - 'Footballer's coming home'

But the I'm a Coventry City supporter - so what do I know about football!