The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22412   Message #243180
Posted By: bflat
15-Jun-00 - 09:59 PM
Thread Name: Review: American Skin (Bruce Springsteen)
Subject: RE: American Skin
Hey everybody wake up!!!! The difference between white and black is miniscule. When are we going to behave as a society with the same ratios? Frankly, I am angry that people can't make every overarching effort to treat each other equally. I welcome the controversery as a way of exposing the bigotry that can and does exist on all sides. We need to treat each other kindly, with trust, honestly and when the time warrents with awares that we are all at risk. Such is the human condition, but always with a presumption of innocence and genuine belief in each other's good. If I never had a thought about my own shotcomings and bigotry I wouldn't be this vitrolic. Work on it. The payback can be very rewarding.