The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114096   Message #2432169
Posted By: Bobert
05-Sep-08 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's Birthday
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's Birthday
Well, first of all, thankee, Lizzie... Now for Paw, Reg and Cletus... Ya' see that white foam on top o' that beer??? That's means it ain't tale or been frozed so next time ya'll want to make a deal fir some holes then it better have that white foam on top 'er it's no deal...

As fir Delta, Brucie... I'd dtay away from them... I flewed on that airplane and ya' knopw the lady at the counter??? Well, she took my bag and when I got to Memphis I couldn't find her or my bag... Glad I carried my geetar and its hole with me on that Delta airplane 'er she prolly woulda made off with it too...

And as fir that beer pee, maybe Paw got some use fir it... Like do what he did las' time and fill 3 hunnert cases of it in Iron City bottles an' try to trade them to me fir some handcrafted Martin holes...


Oh yeah... Thankee everybuddy fir all these birthday things...

Sniff... Makes me all weepy...