The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22360   Message #243243
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
16-Jun-00 - 02:08 AM
Thread Name: Colorado Forest Fire
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
Spaw...A Late One,indeed,make 'er a six. Say Howdy to Winchester and the ole RR Gorge. I spent many a lost weekend thereabouts ramblin' amongst the arches and domes. Ever been to Nada? Used to be a hand-painted sign put up by some local there, said Drive slow- You Might Meet a Fool, engendering many campside stories concerning "the Fool".

Beautiful place. Spiders big as your fist. If you ever get to Rockcastle County say hello to my family. Everybody there is related, and I'm related to all of 'em.

Lonesome Ex-Briarhopper EJ