The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113945   Message #2434077
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
08-Sep-08 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering in earnest - September
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering in earnest - September
I picked up a piece of carpet pad and a can of kilz primer yesterday. The paint was a good suggestion by the carpet guy--it will lock any smell that might have seeped into the concrete behind the paint. I can also slap it on the wooden carpet strip that probably has the smell also.

Yesterday I unpacked a printer-paper big box of files packed up years ago. I recycled most of this research for something I don't need now. A 5-inch stack of the papers need consideration. They're on the dining room table, so my short-term goal for today is to determine where those will live if they are keepers. Also, boxes and baskets of stuff have ended up on the floor in my office again; I need to re-shelve or toss the stuff.

Dulcimer has one watcher and several views. Fingers crossed this goes to a good home first time round!

It was nice going to the garage this morning and not being crowded by those cabinets. I hope Moonglow is truly able to put them to good use (the bookshelves are great--those alone are keepers even free-standing, but the table-top, that's the question mark.)

Note to self: tonight teach 16-year-old son to iron pants. This morning he got out of the house in pants a raisin would envy. They dried on the line yesterday.