The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114182   Message #2434437
Posted By: Big Mick
08-Sep-08 - 04:00 PM
Thread Name: Jesus was a community organizer!
Subject: RE: Jesus was a community organizer!
I absolutely love the potential of this thread!!!!

I am a Christian, and it is my belief that most of the folks that wear a WWJD bracelet, and profess their absolute devotion to Jesus the Christ, would not be very happy with him if he were walking the streets and commenting on current events. My guess is they would crucify him all over again. Actually, in a metaphorical way, they are re-crucifying him every time they use his life and lessons as justification for the actions they take. Were the Christ walking today, he would be attacking those in Washington who call themselves Christians, he would be preaching reconcilliation with all peoples, he would decry the devastation of the environment, he would be advocating for assisting the least among us, and asking those with the most to give up those assets that they have no need for.

I could go on and on.............
