The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65238   Message #2435124
Posted By: Girl Friday
09-Sep-08 - 09:10 AM
Thread Name: are folk clubs shite?
Subject: RE: are folk clubs shite?
Guest Don't Shoot the Messenger obviously hasn't been to Orpington Folk Club for years. It is now in a nice warm room, downstairs, actually the pub restaurant. The residents are the same, almost as in The White Hart, but they have a selective floor spot policy on guest nights. Yes, a lot of us may be the wrong side of 50, but I've also encountered lots of younger performers who are amazingly talented, and they will bring younger audiences in time. I am now involved in the running of three clubs, each different in character, none of them "shite", hopefully. you pays your money and takes your choice. Incidentally, I know of no club organisers who make a penny out of running these clubs... quite the reverse in fact.