The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114182   Message #2435149
Posted By: John Hardly
09-Sep-08 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: Jesus was a community organizer!
Subject: RE: Jesus was a community organizer!
Jesus was not a community organizer.

"Community Organizer" was NOT demeaned during the Republican Convention. What happened was that in the weekend leading up to the convention, "Mayor" was demeaned. Over and over and over again. All weekend.

Following the demeaning of Palin's mayoral experience, Palin chose to respond by comparing her experience as mayor to that of Obama's as a "community organizer". The only "demeaning" was to point out that "community organizer" is quite possibly less of a resume enhancer for an executive position, especially in light of the following:

I don't know what in the hell a "Community Organizer" even is -- and I'm guessing that I'm not alone in this -- I'm guessing that if you asked 1,000 Americans what a "Community Organizer" is, 999 of them would, like me, not be able to give you the vaguest answer. But we could tell you what a mayor is.

Is a "Community Organizer" a paid position?

If so, who hires a "Commuinty Organizer"?

If not, is it a political position?

If so, is it voted on (like the school board) or is it a political appointment (like, by the mayor or governor or some such)?

I mean, really, the notion that "Community Organizer" was trashed as a resume enhancer to any degree approaching the trashing of Palin's mayoral experience, I don't even blame Palin if the retort came across a bit snarky.