The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114182   Message #2435177
Posted By: PoppaGator
09-Sep-08 - 10:33 AM
Thread Name: Jesus was a community organizer!
Subject: RE: Jesus was a community organizer!
"..."Mayor" was demeaned. Over and over and over again. All weekend."

Give me a break. What's so "demeaning" about questioning the choice of a individual whose background includes less than two years as governor of a state whose total population is less than that of metropolitan New Orleans (even the diminished post-Katrina population), preceded by service as mayor of a very small town (with a very large Washington-lobbyist budget)?

When the GOP trotted out the argument that Palin was an experienced military commender as ex-officio commander-in-chief of the Alaska National Guard, CNN's Campbell Brown had the temerity to ask if a single example could be provided of a decision, any decision, that she has made in her capacity as Guard CIC. Of course, no satisfactory answer was forthcoming, and the GOP reacted by taking offense, complaining loudly and selfrighteously about such "unfair" questioning, and using the incident as an excuse to continue hiding Palin from the press and shielding her from any questioning at all.

John McCain, if elected, is at least as likely as any other President to die before his term expires, and probably a little moreso than most. Sarah Palin would then become President of the US and (pardon the cliche) "leader of the free world." If she can't handle the likes of Campbell Brown, how in the hell is she going to deal with, say, Vladimir Putin?


Among other things, a community organizer helps individual citizens fight through government red tape to fight for their rights, such as unemployment compensation, equal access to housing, disability benefits, etc. A politician whose experience includes such work would seem to have knowledge of dealing with government from the outside as well as from the inside, which to me would seem to be a good thing.