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Thread #113349   Message #2435493
Posted By: Lox
09-Sep-08 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: War in Georgia (2008)
Subject: RE: BS: War in Georgia
"they can surely have no possible objection to say US or NATO forces being stationed in Georgia to ensure that the sovereign territory of that state is safeguarded"

They have actually been requesting this very publicly for a while now. They haven't specified NATO troops, but they have been requesting an impartial foreign presence.

You will find evidence on past news reports on BBC, Channel 4, SKY, ITV, CCTV (English speaking - chinese state tv), Al Jazeera (english) and Russia Today.

Regardless of what people write, you seem fixated on a "USA is good Russia is bad" vs "Russia is good USA is bad" form of argument.

Just as you appear to want a "USA is good Iraq is bad" vs "Iraq is good USA is bad" argument.

You seem incapable of understanding that argument can be a constructive learning process and that there are ways of arguing that don't include being adversarial, but which do involve advancing hypotheses and testing them via constructive scrutiny.

You also seem not to understand that a theory does not have to be proved to work.

Did you know that Einsteins theory of relativity has not been proved?

That is why it is still called a theory.

According to you, if it ain't proved, its just idle speculation.

Yet without it Neil Armstrong would have set foot on empty space.

A theory that works stands until it is disproved.

And what generally happens with most scientific theory is not that it is scrapped, but that it evolves.

The "scheunemann theory", so titled by its critics, is actually part of a wider thoery concerning the actions and intentions of the perceived Bush/Cheney/Halliburton Mafia.

So far it works, even though it hasn't been proved.

I trust it enough to agree with its implication that if the perceived Cheney/Scheunemann/McCain Mafia remain in control after the next election we will see increased polarization between east and west and we will see more blatant energy foothold consolidation, not to mention a weaker and weaker UN as Russia and the USA decide more and more to act unilaterally where their overseas interests are threatened.